SHIPPING IS UNFORTUNATELY NEVER FREE.... But we also now offer live worldwide shipping rates on our site!

Alongside our new instant Local and Worldwide shipping options at checkout, we like to offer options to get specialised shipping quotes when needed which we are unable to charge you for when you checkout.

We also offer the opportunity to grab great stock while you can, checkout, and then 'Stockpile' without calculating shipping every time. Many customers do that multiple times until they then want us to gather everything together, quote for their preferred shipping and then we send it. (There is an option for that too). This will always be a manual, custom quote that will be paid for separately.

So while some Shipping options on our site might say 'FREE' it never is unless you are collecting from us. That is the only type of fulfilment that is actually FREE.

You will find accurate worldwide and SA Shipping rates on our site calculated on your basket contents as you start to go through checkout. (take a look at the bottom of your 'basket' page... you can get a quote anytime as you fill it up) and teh top of your 'Basket' page will tell you how heavy your basket is so far.  You have the option to have your goods shipped immediately by 'UPS Express Air' which takes between 7-14 days door to door. Please be aware that you are responsible for any clearance fees, duties and taxes when you import the goods into your country. 


Worldwide Shipping estimates based on your basket total weight with UPS (depending on Zone 1-6)* - Calculated at Checkout. (GUIDE ONLY)

  • Up to 2,5 KG of goods will be around R1100 (Z1) and R1700 (Z6)
  • 2.5 KG to 5 KG of goods will be between R1300 (Z1) and R2100 (Z6)
  • 6 KG-10 KG of goods will be between  R2100 (Z1) and R3200 (Z6)
  • 10 KG-15 KG of goods will be between  R2750 (Z1) and R4000 (Z6)
  • 15 - 20 KG of goods will be between  R3100 (Z1) and R4500 (Z6)
  • 20 - 24 KG of goods will be between  R3650 (Z1) and R5200 (Z6)
  • 24 - 30 KG of goods will be between  R4350 (Z1) and R6250 (Z6)

Anything over this amount (30kg of actual goods**) when packed jumps up by a large amount and is not economical for you. Rather place multiple / separate orders adding up to benefit from our optimum rates up to 30kg.

    ** If you want to purchase more than 30kg of goods you can easily split your online orders and check out, or for large shipments we can discuss with you so you get the best rates for shipping or look at alternative shipping options. 
    *Zone 7 (outlying) rates are also available live on our site at checkout (approx 50% more expensive than Zone 6 rates) 

    You can find your Worldwide shipping ZONE HERE


    For local shipment to our South African clients we use 'The Courier Guy' and your shipping cost will automatically be calculated as you head towards checkout

    * Please contact our account manger for further assistance: Renate Haberl